This site is dedicated to Johan Mouton, coordinator of the AIDA project.


AIDA is a 7th Framework Program (FP7) project funded by the European Union and involves a collaboration between 14 partners from 11 different countries. The AIDA project has started on December 2011 and was completed on Mai 2017.

AIDA applies strategies to ‘re-develop’ these old drugs using modern standards, integrating new knowledge into regulatory frameworks and communicating the knowledge from the research bench to the bedside.

  1. Theuretzbacher U, Paul M.:Revival of old antibiotics: structuring the re-development process to optimize usage. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2015 Oct;21(10):878-80.
  2. Muller AE, Theuretzbacher U, Mouton JW.: Use of old antibiotics now and in the future from a pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic perspective. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2015 Oct;21(10):881-5.
  3. Theuretzbacher U, Van Bambeke F, Cantón R, Giske CG, Mouton JW, Nation RL, Paul M, Turnidge JD, Kahlmeter G. Reviving old antibiotics. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2015 Aug;70(8):2177-81.

AIDA comprises three randomized clinical trials (RCTs) with each comparing two antibiotic regimens in infections caused by multidrug-resistant bacteria. Each trial shares the common goal of rationally integrating non-clinical pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) data and validating PK/PD results by clinical testing. AIDA intends to demonstrate that antibacterial drugs can be efficiently characterized and tested in an academic/clinical setting with difficult-to-treat patients.

Optimising the use of colistin

Comparing nitrofurantoin and fosfomycin trometamol

Comparing oral minocyclin+rifampicin and linezolid

Major events

Project coordinator:

  • Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre (The Netherlands): Johan W Mouton (MD, PhD)

Workpackage 1 (Colistin)

  • Tel Aviv University (Israel): Mical Paul (MD)

Workpackage 2 (Nitrofurantoin vs. fosfomycin trometamol)

  • University of Geneva (Switzerland): Stephan Harbarth (MD, MS), Angela Huttner (MD)

Workpackage 3 (Minocycline+rifampicin vs linezolid)

  • North Bristol NHS Trust and University of Bristol (United Kingdom): Alasdair MacGowan (MD)

Workpackage 4 (PK/PD analysis)

  • Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre (The Netherlands): Johan W Mouton (MD, PhD)

Workpackage 5 (Communication, dissemination)

  • Center for Anti-Infective Agents (Austria): Ursula Theuretzbacher (PhD)

Workpackage 6 (Coordination, management)

  • Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre (The Netherlands): Johan W Mouton (MD, PhD)